Bakersfield Hit and Run Lawyer 

Being involved in a hit-and-run accident in Bakersfield can be a stressful and confusing experience. 

You’ve likely sustained injuries, are facing car damage, and must deal with the added frustration of an unidentified driver. 

Here at Kuzyk Law, our Bakersfield hit-and-run accident lawyers can help. We understand the complexities of these cases and are dedicated to guiding you through each step towards recovery.

What is a Hit and Run?

A hit-and-run accident occurs when a driver colliding with another vehicle, pedestrian, or bicyclist fails to stop and exchange information. This can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the accident’s severity and whether there were injuries.

Hit-and-run accidents can be incredibly frustrating for the victim, leaving them with injuries, car damage, and the added burden of dealing with an unknown driver and their insurance company.

What To Do After a Hit And Run Accident

Following a hit-and-run accident, staying calm and taking the proper steps is crucial. Here’s what you should do:

1. Ensure Your Safety:

If possible, pull over to a safe location away from traffic. If you are injured, call 911 immediately and request medical attention.

2. Gather Evidence:

Take pictures of the accident scene, any damage to your vehicle, and any debris that might be left behind.

Note details like the time of day, weather conditions, and nearby landmarks.

3. Report the Accident:

File a police report as soon as possible. Provide the police with a detailed account of the accident, including any descriptions you may have of the vehicle or the driver. The police report will be essential for your insurance claim and potential legal case.

4. Seek Medical Attention:

Even if you don’t feel immediate pain, seeing a doctor to check for any potential injuries is essential. A medical evaluation will create a record of your injuries that can be vital for your case.

5. Contact a Bakersfield Hit-and-Run Lawyer:

An experienced Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyer can guide you through the legal process, handle communication with the insurance company, and fight for the compensation you deserve. They can also explore options to track down the at-fault driver.

How The Hit and Run Lawyers at Kuzyk Law in Bakersfield, CA Can Help You

The aftermath of a hit-and-run accident can be overwhelming. You’re likely dealing with injuries, car repairs, and the uncertainty of getting the compensation you deserve. 

Here at Kuzyk Law, our Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers understand the unique challenges of these cases and are here to help you navigate every step of the process.

California Hit and Run Laws

In California, Vehicle Code Section 20002 makes it a crime to leave the scene of an accident that results in injury or property damage. The severity of the penalties depends on the accident’s circumstances and whether any injuries were involved. 

A hit-and-run conviction can result in significant fines, jail time, and a suspended driver’s license.

Working With The Insurance Company

Even though the at-fault driver is unidentified, you may still be able to recover compensation through your insurance policy. Here’s how our Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers can assist you:

Understanding Your Coverage

We’ll review your insurance policy and explain the specific coverages that may apply to your situation. This might include uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage, which can provide compensation for accidents involving hit-and-run drivers.

Filing Your Claim

We can help you navigate the process of filing a claim with your insurance company and ensure all necessary documentation is submitted.

Negotiating a Fair Settlement

 Insurance companies may downplay the value of your claim. Our experienced car accident lawyers in Bakersfield will fight for a settlement that reflects the full extent of your damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Having a skilled lawyer on your side can make a significant difference in dealing with the insurance company and maximizing your potential recovery.

Damages You Might Recover

The good news is that you may be entitled to compensation for various damages, even if the at-fault driver is unidentified. Here at Kuzyk Law, our Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers will fight to recover the maximum compensation you deserve for:

Medical Expenses

This includes all past, present, and future medical costs of treating your injuries. This can cover doctor visits, hospital stays, medications, rehabilitation, and necessary medical equipment.

Lost Wages

If you cannot work due to your injuries or your earning capacity is reduced, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. This can also include lost income from self-employment or missed work opportunities.

Pain and Suffering

Hit-and-run accidents can be physically and emotionally traumatic. You may be entitled to compensation for the physical pain you experience, as well as emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

Property Damage

The cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle after a hit-and-run accident can be significant. Our lawyers will work to ensure your insurance company reimburses you for the full extent of the damage.

Loss of Consortium

Suppose your injuries from the accident impact your ability to maintain a normal marital relationship. In that case, you may be entitled to compensation for loss of consortium.

The compensation you can recover will depend on the severity of your injuries, the impact on your life, and the specific details of your case.

Common Types of Hit and Run Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents can occur in a variety of situations. Here are some of the most common types:

Rear-End Collisions

These are some of the most frequent hit-and-run accidents, often occurring at stoplights or intersections when the driver behind fails to stop after a collision.

Sideswipe Collisions

These happen when vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide, and the at-fault driver flees the scene.

Parking Lot Accidents

Hit-and-run accidents are frequent in parking lots, where drivers may damage other vehicles and leave without exchanging information.

Pedestrian or Bicycle Accidents

These accidents can be particularly devastating, leaving the victim with severe injuries and the driver often fleeing the scene.

A Hit and Run Accident Lawyer Can Help Track Down The Other Driver

While apprehending the hit-and-run driver can be challenging, a skilled Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyer at Kuzyk Law will explore every avenue to identify them. Here’s how we can help:

Working with Law Enforcement

We can collaborate with the police to investigate the accident scene thoroughly. This may involve analyzing traffic camera footage, interviewing potential witnesses, and requesting any available records from nearby businesses or security cameras.

Reviewing Public Records

DMV records, accident reports, and other public records can be examined for any leads that point to the identity of the at-fault driver.

Private Investigation

We recommend hiring a private investigator to conduct a more in-depth investigation of complex cases. This can involve tracking down elusive witnesses, uncovering hidden assets of the driver, and exploring all possible avenues to bring them to justice.

It’s important to understand that apprehending the hit-and-run driver isn’t always guaranteed.

Types of Compensation in a Hit-and-Run Case 

Our Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers will fight to recover the following on your behalf:

Medical Expenses: As mentioned previously, this includes all past, present, and future medical costs associated with treating your injuries.

Lost Wages: Compensation for lost wages due to missed work or reduced earning capacity.

Pain and Suffering: Compensation for the physical and emotional pain caused by your injuries.

Property Damage: Reimbursement for any damage to your vehicle.

Loss of Consortium: If your injuries impact your ability to maintain a normal marital relationship, you may be entitled to compensation for loss of consortium.

Inconvenience: The disruption to your daily life caused by the accident can be significant. In some cases, you may be entitled to compensation for inconveniences, such as the cost of transportation or childcare, while you recover.

Proving Liability in a California Hit-and-Run Case

Here at Kuzyk Law, our Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers will employ various strategies to establish liability, including:

Traffic Camera Footage

Security cameras at intersections, gas stations, or nearby businesses may have captured footage of the accident or the hit-and-run driver’s vehicle.

Witness Statements

Securing statements from witnesses who saw the accident can be crucial in establishing how the collision occurred and potentially identifying the at-fault driver.

Accident Scene Debris

An analysis of debris left behind at the scene, such as paint chips or car parts, can sometimes be traced back to a specific vehicle make and model, narrowing the search for the driver.

Police Investigation

We will work closely with law enforcement to leverage their investigative resources and expertise to track down the hit-and-run driver.

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage (UM/UIM)

Even if the at-fault driver is never identified, you may still be able to recover compensation through your own UM/UIM insurance coverage. Our lawyers can help you navigate the complexities of your insurance policy and ensure you receive a fair settlement.

How Long Will It Take to Settle My Case? 

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how long it will take to settle a hit-and-run case. 

Several factors can influence the timeline, including the severity of your injuries, the ability to identify the hit-and-run driver, the complexity of the case, and the negotiation tactics of the insurance company.

At Kuzyk Law, we are committed to resolving your case as efficiently as possible while ensuring you receive the maximum compensation you deserve. 

We’ll keep you informed throughout the process and fight aggressively to achieve a swift and favorable outcome.

If you’ve been injured in a Bakersfield hit-and-run accident, don’t hesitate to contact the experienced Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers at Kuzyk Law today for a free consultation

Local Bakersfield News in Regards to Hit and Runs

Here are some recent news articles highlighting the dangers of these incidents:

Bakersfield Hit and Run Lawyer FAQs

What Constitutes a Hit and Run Offense in Bakersfield?

In California, Vehicle Code Section 20002 outlines hit-and-run offenses. Leaving the scene of an accident that results in injury to another person, damage to another vehicle, or damage to any property is a crime.

Potential Penalties for a Hit and Run Conviction

The severity of penalties depends on the accident’s circumstances and whether injuries occurred. A hit-and-run can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony.


This typically applies to property damage-only accidents and can result in:

  • Up to one year in jail
  • Fines up to $1,000
  • Driver’s license suspension


This applies to accidents involving injuries or death and can lead to:

  • Up to four years in state prison or up to one year in county jail
  • Fines up to $10,000
  • Driver’s license suspension

How Can a Bakersfield Hit and Run Lawyer Help?

If you’re facing a hit-and-run charge, a Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyer can provide invaluable assistance by:

  • Explaining your legal rights and options
  • Investigating the accident details and gathering evidence
  • Handling communication with the prosecutor
  • Representing you in court if necessary

What to Do If Involved in a Hit and Run Accident in Bakersfield

  1. Ensure your safety and call 911 if injured.
  2. Gather evidence like photos and note down details.
  3. File a police report promptly.
  4. Contact a Bakersfield Hit-and-Run Lawyer for guidance and legal representation.

Negotiating with Prosecutors in Hit and Run Cases

Yes, negotiation with prosecutors is possible. Your lawyer can assess your situation and explore the possibility of a plea bargain, depending on your case’s specifics and the prosecutor’s willingness.

Client Testimonials

We understand the physical, emotional, and financial hardship a hit-and-run accident can cause. 

Our Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers are dedicated to fighting for the compensation you deserve. Here are what some of our satisfied clients have to say about their experience with our firm:

  • “After my hit-and-run accident, I didn’t know where to turn. Kuzyk Law took care of everything. They were professional responsive, and kept me informed throughout the process. I highly recommend them!” – Sarah M.
  • “I was injured and my car was totaled in a hit-and-run. The lawyers at Kuzyk Law were relentless in pursuing my case. Thanks to their hard work, I received a fair settlement that allowed me to focus on recovery.” – David L.

These are just a few examples of our clients’ many positive experiences with Kuzyk Law. You can find more testimonials on our website, including client reviews on Google that speak to our dedication and results-oriented approach.

Contact the Bakersfield Hit and Run Attorneys at Kuzyk Law Today

Facing a hit-and-run accident in Bakersfield can be devastating. You deserve experienced legal representation. 

The Bakersfield hit-and-run lawyers at Kuzyk Law understand the unique challenges of these cases. 

We’ll fight to track down the driver and recover the compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.Don’t wait. Contact Kuzyk Law today for a free consultation.