Every cyclist needs to take caution; highways can be very dangerous places to ride, especially in the Antelope Valley.

Always make sure you’ve got the basic safety elements with you and ride safely to avoid a bike accident!

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Bike Safety for Every Cyclist

Safety gear

Don’t forget it
– Always check the condition of your bike’s tires, gears, brakes, etc. before you start riding

– Don’t forget your helmet

60% of bike accident fatalities involved riders who do NOT wearing a helmet
– Mirrors are helpful to cyclists to monitor traffic conditions. Head turn is risky becuase it affects cyclist’s sight line and focus

– Lights and reflectors make cyclists visible and predictable to other road users, and help cyclists to avoid hazards

Safety signals

Communicate clearly on the road
– Hand signals
left turn    right turn     right turn (alternate)     stop

– Behave like a car if you want cars to respect you. Check for traffic, check lights, obey signs, stay off the sidewalk


What to look for in a carrier:
– Good reputation
Ask friends, family and check online reviews

– 24-hour customer support

– Coverage for damage at full value of your bike

– Make sure injuries are covered — may have to supplement with existing medical insurance

Plan for an accident

What to do in the event of one:

  1. Take pictures
  2. Get witnesses
  3. Get the police, make a formal report & state only detailed facts (e.g : who was driving, who opened the door, etc)
  4. Get contact information
    (i.e : driver, license, phone number, etc)
  5. Get medical treatment immediately
  6. Once treated, get a personal injury lawyer
