Kuzyk Personal Injury & Car Accidents Lawyers

Teen Driver Car Accident Statistics For 2023

Teen Driver Car Accident Statistics

Most teenagers look forward to that moment when they can get behind the wheel as a driver — driving is considered part of their initiation into adulthood and symbolizes independence or freedom. However, teen driver car accident statistics indicate that most teenagers are unprepared for the responsibilities that go hand in hand with driving.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the second leading cause of death among U.S. teens is motor vehicle crashes. As a comparison group, teenage drivers account for the highest rate of car accidents, most of which are due to inexperience and distracted driving. This is why the numbers get worse when it comes to neophyte drivers.

New teenage drivers pose a significant risk of causing fatal road accidents. The number goes down significantly after two years of driving experience. This only goes to show that teenage drivers require more attention, practice, and guidance, especially within their first year of driving.

Since having the right information is key to understanding and avoiding problems, below are the latest teen driver statistics in the U.S. Hopefully, this can illustrate the magnitude of teen driver car accident statistics in the country.

General Facts About Teen Drivers

The latest data on American drivers according to age group shows that by 2019, there were already 8.78 million licensed drivers ages 19 and under. Young licensed drivers ages 20 to 24 number at 17.48 million.

With this huge number of inexperienced teen drivers on the road, it’s inevitable for collisions and accidents to happen. In the U.S. where there are an estimated 6 million car crashes every year, teenagers have been found to be responsible for around half a million of them.

Below are some teen driver car accident statistics worth knowing about:


Car Crashes

Drunk Driving Among Teen Drivers

Texting and Distracted Driving Among Teenagers

Texting and driving regardless of age cause around 1.6 million motor vehicle accidents per year, while teen driving and texting is a major road safety hazard.

Although 98 percent of adults know that texting and driving are a lethal combination, around 49 percent use their cellphone for texting, emailing, social media, etc., while driving. This type of irresponsible behavior sets a bad example for young people to follow.

While alcohol is a major factor in car crashes, texting is considered six times more dangerous than drinking as it leads to a higher number of car accidents.

Other Reckless Behavior Among Teenage Drivers

The Most Common Causes of Teen Driving Accidents

Aside from speeding, distracted driving, alcohol consumption, and drowsiness, there are three specific driving maneuvers that have been found to contribute to the incidence of teenage driving accidents. These are left-hand turns, running off the road, and rear-end events.

Teen driver data also shows that the risk of teenage drivers getting involved in or causing a car crash increases if they are impaired, using their cell phone, or have teenage passengers.

Addressing the Teenage Driving Dilemma

The CDC recommends certain measures to help reduce the incidence of car crashes and fatalities involving teenage drivers.

Aside from the above, there are other things you can do as a parent or an adult role model:

License Restrictions for California Teenage Drivers

To help reduce the number of car crashes in California, there are state laws that impose restrictions on drivers below the age of 18.

For example, when a teenage driver is driving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. or when they have teenage passengers ages 20 and below, an authority figure must be present in the vehicle. This person could be a licensed parent or guardian, or a licensed driver that’s aged 25 or older, or a driving instructor.

There are also exceptions to these restrictions. However, such exceptions must include a signed note from an adult who is involved directly in the situation. These situations include medical transportation (needs a signed doctor’s note), school attendance (requires a principal’s note), or a job (with an employer’s note). 

Emancipated minors are exempt from such restrictions and do not require any consent or signed note from an adult.

Are You a Car Accident Victim?

Were you or someone dear to you involved in a car accident caused by a reckless teenage driver?

If you require the services of a Bakersfield car accident attorney, please reach out to us at Kuzyk Personal Injury & Car Accidents Lawyers.

We’ll be happy to assist you with your case.

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