Kuzyk Personal Injury & Car Accidents Lawyers

Things To Consider Before Hiring A Wrongful Death Attorney In Lancaster

Selecting a Lancaster wrongful death lawyer to represent you in a wrongful death lawsuit is a critical decision to make, as the stakes are very high. The outcome of your wrongful death case is predicated on the quality of your representation. With the right representation, you can be compensated for:

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There may be many others as well. The right Lancaster wrongful death attorney can ensure you collect every penny to which you are entitled. Of course, no amount of money will bring your loved one back; however, there’s no reason to compound your problems when faced with such a traumatic loss. With a fair monetary award, you will be in a better position to begin rebuilding your life without the worries associated with trying to afford the essentials.

Thus, we urge you to keep the following tips in mind when making your selection.


There’s nothing wrong with an up-and-comer trying to make his or her mark in the legal profession. However, there is also no substitute for many years of experience. Only with experience of in-the-trenches work can a lawyer truly know the ins and outs of wrongful death law in California.

An experienced Lancaster wrongful death attorney will be familiar with every statute and ruling, with the ability to seamlessly negotiate settlements successfully on behalf of clients. You want an advocate in your corner who has handled your type of case before and knows how to do it with confidence and precision. You will only benefit from the substantial experience provided by such attorneys.


Price may be an important consideration, but it’s necessary to put this into context. The outcome of your case will determine how much money you receive over an extended period of time. You don’t want to sacrifice on the quality of your representation just to save some cash. With that being said, most lawyers — including those at Kuzyk Personal Injury & Car Accidents Lawyers – work within a “contingency fee” pricing model, which means they only get paid if you win.

We essentially have taken all the risk out of the equation for our clients. Remember: it’s the quality of your attorneys that will help determine the amount of your potential compensation for years to come.


This is an intangible dynamic that can greatly impact your relationship with your attorney. The attorney-client relationship is special, with all communications between the two parties being bound in confidence by law. Lawyers can only do their jobs effectively if you fully disclose everything you know about the case.

Trying to protect your reputation by withholding information can negatively impact your case. Hide nothing. If you have a good rapport going with your attorney, this will be much easier to do. Connecting on a non-judgmental level will ensure the lines of communication remain open to result in a healthy client/attorney relationship.


Make sure your attorney has a proven, coherent game plan in mind. In your initial consultation, ask the attorneys you are considering what kind of strategies they will be pursuing. Strategic planning is a vital part of any successful case. Your lawyer will know which paperwork to file and when, how and when to negotiate, how and when to ask for more money, etc. Having a clear plan in place and outlining that plan to you will give you peace of mind as you navigate the process.

Learn More About The Benefits Of Working With Wrongful Death Lawyers

When planning to pursue a wrongful death suit in Lancaster, contact us for your free, no-obligation consultation. Our attorneys meet and exceed each of the benchmarks discussed above. Choose us for a strategic, experienced firm with lawyers who have handled hundreds of wrongful death cases in our history.

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